Services & Referrals (with Geo-Location)



Selecting a Service/Referral


Precondition: ‘Home Address’ is filled out in Patient & Contact.


  1. In Services & Referrals, click the required service/referral category. 



  1. In the section for the selected service/referral category, click Select Service Providers.  




  1. The home address will be pre-populated in the pop-up window.  Enter the preferred distance (in miles or kilometers) for the facility/service needed.




  1. Click Search.


  1. The default filter will be the city entered in the ‘Home Address’ in Patient & Contact.



  1. The results are listed by ascending order in terms of distance.




  1. Hovering over the magnifying glass icon allows you to see additional information regarding the service/facility. 






  1. To select a service/facility, click anywhere in the row of that service/facility and you will see a check mark.  Click Accept.



  1. A confirmation of the selected service/facility is available in the section for the service/referral category.






Changing the Default Filter


1.    If the patient prefers a different city other than the default, first type in the preferred distance in the field under ‘Miles from:’ or ‘Km from:’ and click Search.



2.    Type the preferred city in the field under ‘Filter results by:’.



3.    If the search does not return any results, adjust the distance as needed by changing the number in the field under ‘Miles from:’ or ‘Km from:’ and click Search.  (Note: The filter will revert to the home city with each new search as this is the default.  Type in the preferred city.)





Changing the Selected Service/Facility


1.    In the section for the service/referral category, click Change Service Providers.



2.    Change distance and/or the city under ‘Filter results by:’ as needed and click Search.



3.    Click anywhere in the row of the preferred service/facility and you will see a check mark.  Click Accept.








4.    A confirmation of the new selected service/facility is available in the section for the service/referral category.







Making Referrals to Multiple Services/Facilities


1.    After making one referral, click Back in Services & Referrals.



2.    Repeat the process of selecting a service/facility.  (Note: You can make as many referrals as allowed by your organization’s policies.)


Ver 1.0, Updated 3/30/2020