
Messaging campaigns are a way to send emails and SMS to patients. 

Note: Appointment reminders is just a messaging campaign that happens multiple times (recurring campaign).

Configuring Messaging Campaigns

  1. Click on the "Messaging Campaigns" link on the left-hand navigation bar.

  2. Click the "Add" button on the top right corner.

  3. The next page will look like this:
    1. Add a title for the campaign.  This section will display the type of campaign once the name is entered.
    2. Options to determine visibility of the message. 
      • Add a custom SMS and Email message. 
      • Edit the web message. This is the message that will be displayed after a patient clicks a link on the email or SMS.
    3. Edit the different templates for Web, SMS, and Email. This allows the selection of a predefined template, multiple templates can be added.
    4. Add quick elements to the site, such as patient’s name, link to see the web message, and in the case of messages using appointments elements for the appointment itself, like appointment date, time, etc.
    5. Being able to determine who will receive these messages.
    6. Determine actions available once the patient clicks the link to see the web message in Keona.  These are actions like Scheduling a new appointment, or in the case of messages based on appointments, actions like rescheduling, canceling and confirming an appointment.
    7. Preferences on when to send an appointment.  In the case of recurring campaigns such as appointment reminders, this section will display more options.
    8. A summary of sent messages. 

Recurrent and Single Events

Messaging campaigns can be set as single use or recurrent campaigns. Appointment reminders are a type of recurring campaigns. This is enabled by selecting the campaign type. Once a name has been determined for the campaign. 

If a campaign is recurring, this section includes a button to disable the campaign. This doesn’t delete the campaign, it just prevents it from sending messages until it is enabled again.


Determining Recipients

When determining recipient, a pop up will be displayed to enter different options based on the campaign type.  

  • For single event campaigns, this section allows entering search parameters for appointments, which will look for appointments in the PM system based on selected preferences and determine the recipients based on the returned results.  
  • For single events, the ability to enter a coma delimited file is available as well. This file needs to contain some basic information on the patients, including the unique identifier, or MRN/EMR ID.

For Recurring Events, the only option is to select patients based on searching appointments. In this case, the date and time for the search is replaced with a timeframe to search appointments in the past or the future. This time is based on the scheduled time for the appointment to run. 

Example: If this value is set for 1 to 8 hours, and the campaign’s next runtime is Monday at 8:00 am, the system will look for appointments on Monday from 9 am to 4 pm. The patients being returned by the system will be the ones receiving a message at around 8:00 am.

Setting up Processing Preferences

For single event campaigns, this section lets you determine the date and time for the campaign to be processed, as well as other preferences such as type of messages to send (Email or SMS), campaign type, how fast the campaign should send, who should be notified when the campaign runs.

For recurring campaigns, the date and time of the campaigns are replaced with  a wider range of options, such a start and end date, how often it should send messages and from which time to which time it should send messages

Example: From Jan 1st to Jan 14th  send messages every hour starting at 7:00 am and ending at 4:00 pm, don’t send messages if the service is behind 1 hour.

Example 2: From Jan 1st to Dec 31, every 7 days send a message between 6 pm and 8 pm. Combine this with a search for appointments between 365 and 358 days in the past and you have a single message at the beginning of the week targeting patients who had appointments on this week last year.

Quick Elements

Quick elements are a form of snippet that can be used in the templates for the campaigns. This includes simple patient’s information, or in the case of appointments, appointment start date, resource name, location name, etc.

It is really important to mention that the communication sections might be essential for campaigns using custom SMS and Email templates. The creator of the campaign is 100% responsible for adding the correct links for the campaign to work correctly if they don’t use the default email and SMS templates. 

A Link to Web Message and actions quick element is required for patients to be able to see any actions (reschedule, cancel, schedule new appointment, etc.) and even see the web message. A link to schedule a new appointment can be added if the only available action is to schedule a new appointment.

Setting up Referrals

  1. Navigate to CareFlow Designer (beta).

  2. Click “Add CareFlow.” This CareFlow item will be connect to the referral item in another part of CareDesk.

  3. Create a CareFlow with the appropriate Referral questions and information.

  4. Click "Save" when you are done.

  5. Click on the "Patient Visit Menu Items" link on the left-side navigation pane.

  6. Click "New."
  7. Enter the desired information for the Referral item.

  8. Select the correct CareFlow from the drop-down list.
  9. Ensure that the "Direct Link Display only" box is checked.
  10. The link generated can utilized in different ways to connect patients to the Referral Portal:
    • Via QR code
    • Web link