Getting Started

  1.  Log in to Keona Health’s CareDesk.

    Note: If the navigation pane is collapsed, click the black bars on the left-hand side of the page to expand the sections.

  2. Navigate to CareFlow Designer (beta).

  3. Click “Add CareFlow.

    Note: If creating a new CareFlow, follow steps #4 - #78.

  4. Name the CareFlow by typing in the “CareFlow Name” field.

  5. Click “Patient Self Scheduling” in “Primary Category” drop-down.

  6. Click “Scheduling” in “CareFlow Type” drop-down.

  7. Click the "Details" tab.

  8. Check the box before “Show triggers/observations.”

  9. Click the "Questions" tab.

  10. Click "Add a Question."

  11. When onboarding a new provider, select the appropriate CareFlow, and follow steps:
    • #12 - #20
    • #33 - #38
    • #41 - #46
    • #61 - #64
    • As well as steps for adding endpoints for the MD and their care team.

  12. Type the question "Question Text" field and then answer(s) in the "Answer Text" field.

  13. Click the blue "+" (plus sign) next to the trigger.

    Note: This step is only for questions with special concept. Triggers are also called concepts.

  14. Click "Select a Trigger."

  15. Choose the appropriate trigger/concept from the list.

  16. To add another answer, click "Add answer," and repeat the steps for attaching a special trigger/concept as needed.

  17. Click the "Show if" rules bar.

  18. Click "Add Show Question Rule."

  19. Click the down arrow.

  20. Select the provider from the "Resources" drop-down.

  21. To add another question, click "Add Question."

  22. Don’t forget to add a version of the same question and answers for the general (non-provider-specific) pathway.

  23. Click the "Show if" rules bar.

    Note: To control the display of the general pathway question, follow steps #24 - #32.

  24. Click "Add Show Question Rule."

  25. Click the down arrow.

  26. Click "Administer advanced rules."

  27. Click "Add Advanced Rule."

    Note: If the advanced rule doesn't exist, follow steps #28 - #31; otherwise, skip to step #32.

  28. Click "No resource selected."

  29. Name the rule by typing in the "Name" field (e.g., MRICT No Resource).

  30. Click "Save."

  31. Select the correct advanced rule form the "Select Advanced Rule" drop-down.

  32. Add an acknowledgment question to proceed with scheduling the appointment with the patient’s doctor. Create 1 to share with all the MD version of the provider-specific pathways

  33. Click the “Show if” rules bar.

  34. Click “Add Show Question Rule.”

  35. Select provider-specific question (e.g., MRI CT question for Dr. Scully)

  36. Select provider-specific answer (e.g., “Yes” to the MRI question).

  37. Click “Trigger.”

  38. Click “Yes.”

  39. Repeat steps #35 - #39 for the rest of the provider-specific pathways for MDs.

  40. Add an acknowledgement question to proceed with scheduling the appointment with the patient’s doctor’s care team. Create 1 to share with all the PA version of the provider-specific pathways.

  41. Click the “Show if” rules bar.

  42. Click “Add Show Question Rule.”

  43. Select provider-specific question (e.g., MRI CT question for Dr. Scully)

  44. Select provider-specific answer (e.g., “No” to the MRI question).

  45. Click “Trigger.”

  46. Click “No.”

  47. Repeat steps #43 - #47 for the rest of the provider-specific pathways for PAs.

  48. Add an acknowledgment question to proceed with scheduling the appointment for the general pathway for MDs.

  49. Click the “Show if” rules bar.

  50. Click “Add Show Question Rule.”

  51. Select provider-specific question (e.g., MRI CT for general pathway).

  52. Select general pathway answer for MDs (e.g., “Yes” to the MRI question).

  53. Add an acknowledgment question to proceed with scheduling the appointment for the general pathway for PAs.

  54. Click the “Show if” rules bar.

  55. Click “Add Show Question Rule.”

  56. Select question for general pathway (e.g., MRI CT for general pathway).

  57. Select general pathway answer for PAs (e.g., “No” to the MRI question).

  58. Click “Add Question” to create a question for the scheduling launcher button.

  59. Select the “Scheduling Launcher” question type from the drop-down list.

  60. Type “Continue” in the “Scheduling Prompt” field.

  61. Click the “Show if” rules bar.

  62. Click “Add Show Question Rule.”

  63. Attach all the scheduling acknowledgment questions (e.g., all the “Let’s schedule an appointment…” questions).

    Each scheduling acknowledgment question must be its own “Show Rule.” For example, in the scenario shown in this guide, there are 4 scheduling acknowledgement questions. This means you should have 4 “Show Rules” at the end.

  64. Click “Save CareFlow.”

  65. Click “Decision Support” tab.

  66. Click “Add Endpoint.”

  67. Name the endpoint by typing in the “Name” field. 
    • Recommendation: Include MD provider’s name. 
    • For example, for the MD provider-specific endpoints, name it:

      “MD Last Name – Visit Reason.”

    • For PA provider-specific endpoints, name it:

      “MD Last Name’s PA number – Visit Reason.”

  68. Click "Add "AND" Rule".

  69. Select the provider-specific question (e.g., MRI/CT question for Dr. Scully).

  70. Select the MD provider-specific answer (e.g., “Yes” to the MRI question).

  71. Click “Trigger.”

  72. Click “Yes.”

  73. Select the visit reason from the “Visit Reason” drop-down.

  74. Select the correct provider from the “Resource” drop-down.

  75. Repeat steps #67 - #75to add another endpoint.

    Make sure you’re selecting the right elements for the endpoint (correct question/answer for provider-specific pathways, right visit reason, right resource).

  76. Don’t forget to add an endpoint for the general pathways (1 for MD and 1 for PA) as well. 

    The only difference is you don’t need to attach a resource to the endpoints.

  77. Click “Save CareFlow.”