Only 2 concepts are needed and are already available for this scenario (MRI/CT pathway for MDs and PAs). This means, when adding a new provider, you will simply check the circle before the appropriate rule in the global list within Resource Templates.

Getting Started

  1. Navigate to the appropriate URL.

  2. Enter your credentials to log in.

  3. On the left hand navigation, click “Resource Templates."

  4. Select the provider(s) you wish to set up from the “Resources” drop-down.

  5.  Click “Go!” when you are ready to move on.

  6. Click the Pen Icon under “Demographic limit rules.”

  7. Note: If the rule does not exist, follow steps #8 - #15; otherwise, skip to step #14.

    Click "Add New" to add a new rule.
  8. Check the box the provider’s name to make this a global rule (e.g., available to all providers).

  9. Name the rule based on the main concept involved (e.g., MRICT for MDs, MRICT for Pas).

  10. Select the appropriate concept under "Protocol Answer Selections".

    Note: If the concept does not exist, please send a ticket to with the details of the concepts you wish added. Make sure to include the concept type "Scheduling Rule Concept" and your account ID).

  11. Uncheck the box before “Only for specific visit reasons.” to enforce this rule for all visit reasons attached to the resource template(s).

  12. Click "Save."

  13. Click to check the circle before the rule.

  14. Click “Confirm.”

  15. Note: If the rule already exists, follow #16 - #18. 

    Click the Pen Icon under “Demographic limit rules.

  16. Click to check the circle before the rule.

  17. Click “Confirm.”