Getting Started

Welcome to CareFlow Designer. This tool, currently in its beta version, allows Keona customers to:

  1. Build their own CareFlows (formerly known as protocols) or, 
  2. Edit existing CareFlows (e.g., Schmitt-Thompson Clinical Content, other home-grown CareFlows).


Opening CareFlow Designer

  1.  Log in to Keona Health’s CareDesk under your admin role.
    Note: If the navigation pane is collapsed, click the black bars on the left-hand side of the page to expand the sections. 

  2. Navigate to CareFlow Designer (beta).

  3. When you see this page, you're in the right place!

Creating a new CareFlow



Before interacting with the CareFlow Designer (beta) tool, we strongly recommend you do some drafting work outside Keona to diagram or outline the CareFlow steps. You can use tools like Visio, Creatly, Lucidchart if you think best in diagrams. You can also make an outline instead, on paper or possibly using word processing software. 

Work from the diagram or outline to implement the steps below.


Adding a CareFlow


  1. Click “Add CareFlow.

  2. After clicking “Add Careflow”, you will be redirected to this page.

    Unless you’re creating a Symptom Checker protocol, click “Do it later and continue with regular CareFlow.”

The Question Tab

Naming your CareFlow and Setting a Category


  1. Name your CareFlow (arbitrary, usu. dictated by organizational naming conventions).


While you’re working on the new CareFlow and it’s not live, please use the drop-down to place the CareFlow in the “CareFlow Drafts” category.


Once you’re done and the CareFlow is approved and ready for use in production, simply change the category to another one that’s appropriate (only your “live” categories will be listed in the dropdown alongside the CareFlow Drafts one).


 Note: A little about ShowRules – a Show Rule is a way to tell Keona when you want something to be seen. This can apply to questions within the CareFlow or to the whole CareFlow itself.

Adding a Show Rule for the whole CareFlow

  1. Click "Add Show CareFlow Rule." This is used to limit when CareFlow is shown by age, sex, Etc.




Using the tool below, define the ShowRule parameters that will apply to the entire CareFlow.

Saving your work


  1. Click "Save" frequently throughout your build process.

    While working and before your CareFlow is saved, it only exists in volatile computer memory.

    If you lose power, for instance, you lose any work you’ve done since your last save. Saving commits your work to Keona databases.

Adding & Removing Questions

  1. Click “Add a question” to begin adding questions to your CareFlow.

    Note: Refer to your diagram or outline during the entire process.

  2. Click "Add a Question" to start working with the first question in your CareFlow.

  3. Clicking the red trash can icon to the right of a question will not delete a question but will set it inactive.


Defining your question type


  1. Clicking the icon show on the right will allow you to change your question type.

Note: Commonly used question types are Yes/No, Radio Button, Multi-Selection, Note to Staff, Small Text, Drop-down, and Scheduling Launcher.

  • Yes/No – this question takes a single checkbox as input.

    When checked, the answer to the question is yes. When left unchecked, the answer to the question is no. We show the answer text in the UI.


  • Radio Button – This question can show one or many answers as possible responses to the question.

    In production, the end-user can only select a single answer from possible choices.


  • Multi-selection – This question can show one or many answers as possible responses to the question.

    In production, the end-user can, from possible choices, select as many answers as apply.


  • Note to Staff – This question type, known by some customers as a “blue box”, allows organizations to communicate a static message or instruction to the end-user, usually in response to the answer selected in a preceding question.

    Set up a “Show Rule” to display a “blue box” in this way. We show the answer text in the UI.


  • Small Text – Similar to the Big Text question type, Small Text takes a user narrative as input. The response field has no character limit and shows a small amount of the documented text on screen.

    Scrollbar and re-size controls, which we saw in the Big Text example above, are not present in this question type. We show the answer text in the UI.


Display Group and Documentation Group


Questions you create in CareFlow Designer can be grouped so that it’s easy for an end-user to navigate in the UI. The screenshot to the right is an example of questions grouped in a display group.


As seen in the screenshot below, you can use the drop down to use Display Groups that already exist. 





If the list of Display Groups doesn’t include one that you want to use or the list is empty, simply start typing in the field and you are given the option to create a new display group as shown on the right.

Documentation Group


Documentation Group is the way that content is grouped in the Encounter Summary note and is not seen directly in CareFlow.


The field has functionality similar to the Display Group field. An example from a Clinical Content CareFlow is shown in the screenshot.


Documented as


The “Documented as” field should contain what you want automatically retained in CareDesk documentation for the question.


Adding a Show Rule for a question

  1. To add a Show Rule, click the “Show if (0 Rules)” bar below the question.

  2. Then click “Add Show Question Rule +

    Note: Adding Show Rules for questions gives you control over when a question will show in the UI depending on which answer to a previous question was selected.

  3. Interact with the links to add the previous question and answer combination meant to trigger the Show Rule. Note that the selection is accepted when the text changes from black to blue.

AND Show Rules

Based on branching logic, if you wish two or more answers to trigger the Show Rule, click "And."


You can add up to 20 “AND” Show Rules. The question will only show when ALL the AND conditions are satisfied.

OR Show Rules

Based on branching logic, if you want one or more different previous answer conditions to trigger the Show Rule, click here below the current Show Rule.


Once you’re done adding OR Show Rules, the question will show if ANY of the OR conditions are satisfied.


UI Example: as you can see in the screenshot below, the “Note to Staff” only shows because “Strawberry” is selected.


Editing an already existing CareFlow

  1. Click on a CareFlow on the left sidebar.

    The CareFlow will load into the designer tool and its current version will become editable.

Note: If you wish to make heavy edits or to edit over a longer period or over several sessions, please make a copy of the CareFlow using the copy control (see below).

The copy will take a number appended to the original name. Be sure to place the copy in the CareFlow Drafts category until it's ready for production.

To continue to use the source CareFlow in production, make sure it still retains its original category.

Setting a CareFlow to be available for staff in production. 


Once you’re done and the CareFlow is approved and ready for use in production, simply change the category to another one that’s appropriate.


Note: Only your "live" categories will be listed in the dropdown alongside the CareFlow Drafts one.

Deactivating a CareFlow

  1. To inactivate a CareFlow, click the red trash can icon next to the CareFlow name.

  2. Once refreshed, the page will show your CareFlow with an (inactive) tag next to the name.

  3. You may also edit the name to show the version of CareFlow or add a ‘Z’ in the front of the protocol name to bring it to the bottom of the list.


The Details Tab

CareFlow Keywords

  1. Begin typing and click “Create option…” as shown below to create a CareFlow Keyword. You can also select from a list of previously created keywords if they exist.

  2. CareFlow keywords are used to narrow the search for CareFlows when looking for them in the UI.
  3. Assigning keywords to CareFlows will aid in finding them quickly when they have been made live in production.
    The end-user has only to type the keyword to filter the results.
Note: You may also click "Show Inactive" to show questions and answers that have been inactivated.

Global Triggers

The Global Triggers option allows for a specific trigger to be shown globally across different protocols.

  1. Navigate to the "Details Tab" and check the "Show triggers/observations" box.

  2. Head back to the "Question Tab" and select the appropriate triggers to be used globally.
  3. Navigate to the protocol where you wish to add these new triggers.
  4. Click "Add Show CareFlow Rule."
  5. Click "Add Trigger to show this CareFlow" and then click "Select Trigger."

  6. Select the appropriate triggers and remember to save Careflow after you are finished.

CareFlow Type

Select the most appropriate CareFlow type for your CareFlow creation. The most common options are Scheduling, Scheduling with queue priority, Workflow with queue priority, and Workflow without queue priority. Note that, to support TriageLevel (which is needed for Queue prioritization), CareFlow Type must be one of the following: 

  • Other

  • Disease Definition

  • Symptom Definition

  • Topic Definition

  • Prescription Refill Request

  • Appointment Request

  • Lab Results

For those CareFlow types in bold above, a disposition is required in addition to TriageLevel.

Note: Disposition and Triage Level can be assigned at the CareFlow or Answer level on the Details Tab.

Question Groups Tab

Question Display Groups

  1. To select a previously created Display Group, interact with the dropdown. Once selected, the Question Display Group name will populate in the Name field and becomes editable.

Controls on the Question Groups Tab

  • Display on survey - Checked by default, this permits the group to show in the UI when the CareFlow is in use. 
  • Collapsed by default - Unchecked by default, this control will collapse or show the group in the UI. When collapsed, all question-members of the group will be hidden.
  • Background Color - This color picker allows the creator to change the background color of the display group. The color picker supports RGB, HSL, and HEX colors.

Documentation Groups

  1. To select a previously created Documentation Group, interact with the dropdown.

     Once selected, the Documentation Group name will populate in the Name field and becomes editable.


Decision Support Tab

Add Default Disposition or Triage Level for CareFlow

  1. To add a default disposition and/or Triage Level for the CareFlow, Click the button shown in the screenshot.

  2. After clicking the button, the dropdown menus will appear.

    Pick from the dropdowns to select a disposition and triage level for the CareFlow.


Add an endpoint (i.e., Disposition, Triage Level, or Visit Reason) for a set of Endpoint Rules.

  1. To add an endpoint rule, click either of these buttons circled below in red.

Name the Endpoint Rule

Enter a name for your endpoint. Naming the endpoint rule the creator can also copy or inactivate endpoints using the copy or red trash can icons.


Define your Endpoint Rule

  1. In the case on the right, when Chocolate OR Strawberry is selected AND Breyers is selected, the CareFlow endpoint will result in a disposition “See PCP Within 3 Days”, a Triage Level of “Routine”.

    A visit reason of “Abd Pain…” will also be associated with this rule for scheduling.


When to add an endpoint rule

An endpoint rule should be added in cases which require that a clinical disposition be associated with an answer selection, when acuity should be accounted for when placing an encounter in queues, or when the CareFlow is being used for appointment scheduling.



The Preview Tab


The Preview Tab allows the CareFlow creator to check their work prior to deploying CareFlow for use in production. 

If schedules, organizations, age, caller with patient, or sex have been set as ShowRules, they can be tested here. If you’re not testing those rules, please leave those parameters blank. Once you’re ready, click Preview.

Note: From here, you can test your entire CareFlow structure and ShowRules. Clicking output shows the Visit reason and appointment type used.




Final Steps


When testing and prior to deployment in production, Keona recommends CareFlow creators be very thorough. You must test every branch and combination of answer to be sure you see what you expect to see.



If you have any questions, concerns or need one-on-one support, please contact Keona customer support using our support portal ( If training is required outside of our training material and video content, professional services fees may apply.