In case you don't see a resource and/or location that should otherwise be available for a specific visit reason, kindly follow the steps below to verify whether the visit reason has been set up correctly for that resource in that location:


1. (Skip this step if you already know which providers practice in which location) Check who the providers are in the location of interest under Providers (please tell us if this list is incorrect):

2. Check their availability under Scheduling Preferences by clicking Scheduling Preferences:

3. Type the last name in Resource field:

4. Click the box next to the availability record you want to check and click 'Edit Selected':

5. Scroll down and look for the visit reason.

If you don't see the visit reason, then it has not been made available for the resource and/or location.  Please attach the visit reason and set up the appropriate rules for that visit reason (if needed).  If you see the visit reason, then further investigation is required.