Getting Started

Step 1

  1. Navigate to the CareDesk website.
  2. Login with your credentials.

Step 2

Once logged in, you will find the landing page for Encounters.

Step 3

  1. Click the "From" field to select a starting date.
  2. Repeat the above step on the "To" field to select an ending date.
  3. Click "Get Encounters" to run the search.
Note: It's best practice to bracket the desired date instead of defining only the specified date.

For example, if you would like to look at all encounters for October 11th, you would select "10/10/2023" in the "From" field and "10/12/2023" in the "To" field.

Step 4

  1. Select the desired Encounters type filter results.
  2. The checkboxes denotes categories of filter you may use to view different types of encounters.
  3. You may mix and match any of the boxes to filter results.
Note: The filters will not refresh the search results. They will only filter what's already on screen.

Step 5

  1. Click "View" to generate an Encounter summary document.

See below for an example Encounter summary document.