Scheduling Limitations Quick Reference Guide


As a part of Keona’s Intelligent Scheduling capability, scheduling limitations allows clients to customize

the way available appointments are presented. By setting conditions for appointments, Health Desk can

filter and present available appointments from client’s PM system based on the conditions set.



Health Desk Core product license plus the Intelligent Scheduling module are required. Patient Self

scheduling may also be required for clients looking for self-scheduling functionality.



Keona will install and configure Health Desk Core capability and the appropriate scheduling modules

based on the client’s configuration and workflow requirements. Clients can then self-administer

scheduling capabilities including scheduling limitations. Please see the examples below. For existing

Health Desk customers with Intelligent scheduling, Keona can enable scheduling limitations on request.

No additional fee is required for scheduling limitations.



Example: Limit 2 new appointments for Dr. Smith On Sacred Heart On Friday mornings.

How do I use it?

Once the feature is enabled, a menu item for Scheduling Limitations will be available for Administrator


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Once in the Scheduling limitation’s page, the user should be able to see a searchable list of currently

available resources (A) containing the number of limitations already associated with that resource (B):

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Once a resource is selected, you will be able to see a summary of current limitations (A), with an option

to add a new limitation (B) or edit (C), or remove (D) a current one.

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When adding a new limitation, the name will be automatically created and selected to be edited:

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The first part of a scheduling limitation entry is the conditions. These are the search elements that will

need to be present if we want to limit a set of results. These conditions are optional and can be added or

removed to prevent additional searches to the PM system. Currently available conditions are:


Facility: If present, this calculation will only apply when scheduling appointments in any of the selected facilities.


Appointment Types: If present, these will be the appointment types that will be filtered and not displayed. It also serves to only calculate limitations when these appointments are being scheduled.


Sex: If present, it will calculate limitations only when the patient to be scheduled is of the selected sex.


Age: If present, it will calculate limitations only when the patient to be scheduled falls within selected age parameters.



Currently, scheduling limitations' actions are set to limit the number of appointments in a certain time

period (3 in a week, 10 in a week, etc.…), This will be expanded in the future to include other types of

actions, like “Don’t allow the same appointment type to be scheduled in succession “.


For the currently available action “Limit Appointments“, we can configure 3 required elements:

Time Period: The time that will be considered for the limit of appointments

Appointment Limit: The actual number of appointments to be allowed.

Appointment Types: The appointments to be considered when calculating limits.

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A 4th parameter/field “Calendar Schedule“ can be added to limit the entry to be used only during

certain times and days:

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Hide NewPatient15 and NewPatient30 appointment types when the provider has 4 of any New Patient

Appointment types scheduled on Friday mornings:



Appointment Types: NewPatient15 & NewPatient30.



Time Period: Day

Appointment Limit: 4

Appointment Type: NewPatient15, NewPatient30, NewPatient45, & NewPatient60

Calendar Schedule: Friday - 07:00am to 12:00pm


When any patient on PSS or Health Desk tries to schedule an appointment for this provider, and that

appointment is NewPatient15 or NewPatient30, we will search the Scheduled appointments for this

provider. If, there are 4 or more scheduled appointments of type NewPatient15, NewPatient30,

NewPatient45, or NewPatient60 on a Friday between 7:00am and 12:00pm, any appointments of type

NewPatient15 or NewPatient30 will be removed from the search results during 7:00am and 12:00pm.